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Website Strategy Consulting


If you have big plans for your existing website, but feel handcuffed because it’s dated, piecemealed, or abandoned from another company — this offering is for you. We in ALIVIA ART STUDIO with our Branding experience will get you from point A to B.

 The short and long-term success of your website is dependent on...

A website strategy is your map and compass online today.

  • how you execute your website strategy

  • who contributes to it

  • what specifically comes out of it

  • and most importantly — when it happens

A website strategy provides a foundation to your overall website efforts for the next 3-5 years.


Websites without a strategy struggle with:


  • Purpose. "What's the point of our website?"

  • Vision. "Where's our website going?"

  • Audience. "Are we giving our visitors a good experience?"

  • The Right Tactics. "SEO, Paid Ads, or Social Media?"

  • Measurement. "How do we know if our website is effective?"

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